
Bob Goulais, President, Nbisiing Consulting Inc.

NIPISSING FIRST NATION – “It is with great pleasure that I announce the establishment of Nbisiing Consulting,” said Bob Goulais, President and Senior Principal of the boutique consulting firm based in Nipissing First Nation.  “I’m proud that my company carries the name of my community and my people.”

With the launch of the website, Goulais’ firm begins to establish itself as a leader in the area of Aboriginal relations, indigenous community engagement, communications, negotiation and mediation and management consulting.

“My work with Nbisiing is an extension of work I began many years ago,” stated Goulais, who has years of experience in senior First Nations and government positions.  “I’ve spent my life’s work increasing public awareness of indigenous people and communities and changing the way industry, government and developers work with First Nations, Métis and Inuit.”

His vocation as a traditional teacher and professional communicator provide unique and dynamic insight into the inner workings of First Nation communities.

Goulais hopes to instil a new way of doing business with Canada’s First Peoples.  A prime focus is on building trust and relationships with communities leaders, improving communications with target groups and promoting partnerships and agreements, rather than an adversarial approach to conducting business.

According to Goulais, many First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities support business and see what opportunities may arise from any given project. However, he warns that most projects and engagement approaches won’t succeed unless proponents and government begin to recognize the rights of indigenous people, understand the values that they share, and contribute to the needs of the community.

“The old style, adversarial or non-collaborative approach to doing business will result to four things: higher costs, higher risk, a date in court and coming face-to-face with grass-roots action.  By that time it may be too late to build trust, collaborate and work towards partnership,” said Goulais.

“Our work is dedicated to keeping your project on time, on schedule, and in the good graces of the rights-holders on traditional territory,” concluded Goulais.  “Success starts here.”

