For the latest global update of COVID-19 visit:
The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is a serious and timely reminder to make sure we are prepared for any and all eventualities in life. We have to ask ourselves, our community and our workplace any number of questions. For example: are we prepared at home to care for an illness or a two-weeks long isolation? Do we have extra food, candles, flashlight, drinking water, a radio? Is our smoke detector and CO2 detector operational? Do we have a fire extinguisher? Do we have an evacuation plan? Do we have the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? Are we prepared for pandemics like COVID-19?
This all comes down to developing and being ready to implement an Emergency Response Plan.
There are many different types of emergency plans:
An emergency response plan is a set of procedures to respond to and address any unexpected and urgent situations. The objective is to protect the health and safety of people, prevent fatalities and injuries and reduce damage to property. There are emergency response plans for your First Nation, for businesses and industries, and agencies and organizations.
Any agency and organization should have a Continuity of Operations Plan or COOP. This ensures the operations can continue through some challenging circumstances.
A Pandemic Plan is a strategy that ensures a government, agency or organization can provide essential services when there is a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease, including how to prepare for, and prevent further infection and disease.
Sometimes, when governmental agencies and others are initiating their plans, a community may need an Emergency Communications Plan to effectively receive, understand and share information on emergencies, incidents and pandemics in our local community.
Nbisiing Consulting Inc. can provide some much needed and timely guidance on development of your Emergency Response Plan. For more information visit: or contact Bob Goulais at (416) 770-8567.
Stay Healthy. Stay Safe. Be Prepared.